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Rare Troops

Royal Aerial Corps, Scouting Company

Counts as Knights of the Sun Griffon


Normally the dragons work independently as scouts or quick messengers yet during the battle the three drakes join forces in a unit making a fearsome assault line. 


Battle Honours:


Counts as Heavy Artillery, Volley Gun


The 39th was given the honour of being equipped with this exiperimental cannon from the Military Engineers. It is capable of firing multiple cannon barrels at once, devastating enemy forces. 


Battle Honours:

Captain David Henderson on Brutus, the Land Wyrm

Counts as Steam Tank

Although a rare site on the battlefields, the Aerial Corps has some Land Wyrms. Yet the few that exist are a dangerous foe. Because of their lack of wings they evolved very tough layers of armour and are much tougher than their flying counterparts. Brutus is so strong that he has been fitted with a carriage that even includes a cannon.


Battle Honours:

                    Battle of the Three Forests, 2/7/2014

Old Faithful

Counts as Cannon

The name old Faithful has been given cynically to this piece of field artillery. It has spent most of it's time having to be repaired or unplugged. Yet thankfully it has not yet blown itself up. Hopefully Old Faithful and it's crew will soon redeem themselves. 


Battle Honours:

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